Justin is the director of School Success. When he is not hiring or training new employees, he researches potential partners for Informed K12, researching innovative, solution-seeking districts that are passionate about district operations and efficiency.
What brings you to Informed K12?
I’ve wanted to contribute to education ever since I visited my godbrother, a teacher in Massachusetts. It opened my eyes to unequal opportunity among students as a result of inefficient school district management. Seeing this, I wanted to understand education better, especially what goes on in the background. Informed K12 was an opportunity for me to dive into
‘’‘problems with districts’ workflow management. Because of the company, I got to help build something new with the goal of improving students’ lives vicariously through helping administrators.
What makes Informed K12 unique and exciting to you?
The people I work with, as well as the people I serve, make up a wonderful community I am proud to be a part of. It’s exciting how everything we do is driven to help students. We’re aligned in the sense that everything we do is to help administrators put more resources into the classroom. As one of only few companies that only works in the K-12 space, Informed K12 is unbelievably motivated toward understanding how hard and important administrators’ jobs are for the futures of thousands. Seeing that dedication every day is undoubtedly exciting.
What is a typical workday like?
Usually my day starts out with making calls and talking to districts to see where our product can fit their workflows. Throughout the day I look at data and make reports in order to understand what business problems we’re seeking to solve for districts. Otherwise I’m in charge of improving funnel metrics to find the most efficient way to partner up with districts, as well as replicate past successes with the other School Success representatives. I also train new SDRs and assist in hiring new employees.
What is your motto or personal mantra?
The only way to be effective is to do something valuable.
People would be most surprised if they knew:
I saw Michael Jordan at a casino in Reno!
What are you most passionate about?
Building great teams, and learning from other people, which is why Informed K12 is a perfect workspace.
Any advice for people wanting to work in Educational Technology?
You should most definitely be in sales once in your life. Not only does it help you communicate better, but also makes you strong mentally. It’s a great skill to have, being able to effectively communicate with people on how you can help them. Education Technology takes longer to sell, but you can reach a lot of people. Remember, you’re able to touch the entire office, the students, and their parents; it’s the most rewarding experience.