Jess, Customer Success Manager
Why does the mission of Informed K12 matter to you?
Having worked as both an educator and administrator, I am keenly aware of the operational and resource challenges that schools and districts face. Informed K12 is taking on the hearty challenge of helping school districts organize crucial information and make data-driven decisions. I am excited and motivated to be a member of a company that supports educational communities on a large scale and positively impacts both school staff and students.
What part of the interview process stood out to you as unique?
I truly enjoyed having an opportunity to complete skill-based activities and engage in conversation with knowledgeable team members about the product. Being able to share the thought process behind my decisions and learn more about the product was powerful.
What surprised you about starting work at informed K12?
The whole company “Team Meeting” on Friday at noon took me a bit by storm. Just as I was expecting a review of the company’s OKRs or something along that line, everyone was given a handful of minutes to creatively express a phrase and then assigned a small break out group. I panicked and wrote a haiku. The other group members presented clever memes and personal art creations. It was a groovy opportunity to meet some people from other teams, and talk about something other than shop, for a bit.
What are you excited to learn at Informed K12?
I am stoked to dig into complex, district-wide processes and start completing some customer-facing work. I am also excited to see what other teams have achieved and are working on. On a personal level, I had a few of my own teacher forms get lost at the district level, so it will be fun to see who was likely in the pipeline of workflow recipients for those types of forms (had the paperwork been passed on..)
What was your favorite subject or class in school?
Hmmm, tough question. Tie between math and art history. I can appreciate the joy of figuring out the right answer through a specific process as well as appreciate the challenge of trying out new perspectives to interpret an artist’s work.
Duncan, Customer Success Analyst
Why does the mission of Informed K12 matter to you?
As someone who received an excellent public school education from 1st grade through high school, I believe in the power of education (specifically public education) to drive equitable and just communities. The business community has had access to powerful, cloud-based tools for many years that make their processes more efficient. It is beyond time for digital tools like Informed K12's product to bring schools into the digitized 21st century!
What part of the interview process stood out to you as unique?
The interview process was very transparent and I never felt like I was just another replaceable candidate in the pipeline. It's truly unique that the CEO and CTO of a company build a genuine, thoughtful relationship with a candidate in the interview process.
What surprised you about starting work at informed K12?
I haven't been surprised so much as my initial impressions have been confirmed! I've found every team and colleague to be as supportive and collaborative as I expected.
What are you excited to learn at Informed K12?
I am excited to learn more about the inner workings of school districts and all of the complex, but vital, processes that keep things running behind the scenes.
What was your favorite subject or class in school?
For k-12, I always gravitated towards english and music classes. In college, my favorite classes were all centered around feminist theory and disability studies. Anything that involves a lot of reading and abstract thinking is usually up my alley!