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Tacoma Public Schools: Increasing Visibility for Audits

Written by Cherise Johnson | Dec 2, 2024 7:32:01 PM


Problem: Tacoma Public Schools relied on paper-based procurement processes, making audit preparation time-consuming and challenging. Staff had to manage stacks of paper receipts, often faded and hard to decipher, which hindered quick access to records during audits. Limited visibility into purchasing documentation, maintaining compliance, and handling daily operations during audit season strained district resources.

Outcome: Partnering with Informed K12, Tacoma Public Schools digitized their procurement process, creating an efficient and transparent system that significantly eased audit preparation. The Purchasing Department now grants auditors direct, read-only access to digital records, freeing staff to focus on essential duties. This streamlined approach has led to faster response times, reduced downtime, and improved compliance, substantially improving Tacoma’s audit readiness and operational efficiency.

“One of the great things about the audits that Informed K12 has provided us is time-saving with the auditor.”
- Cheri Estrada CPPO, CPPB, NIGP-CPP, Director of Purchasing & Warehouse
Tacoma Public Schools