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Student Services

Common challenges

We work hand-in-hand with a large and diverse group of districts and discovered common challenges for Student Services professionals:

  • Collecting all student information and permissions in a timely manner
  • Spending valuable teacher time outside of the classroom to manage forms
  • Managing risk and potential liability associated with not having forms completed on time

How we help

Districts that use Informed K12 to manage student services and school-based forms are able to free up valuable teaching and learning time and:

  • Ensure students and parents get the information they need
  • Collect data accurately and quickly for time-sensitive forms
  • Eliminate costly errors that result in lost teacher productivity

Use casesForms that go digital for Student Services

  • Registration packets
  • Student information
  • Field trip permission
  • Acceptable use policies
  • Incident reports
  • ….and more


Case studyOakland Unified makes collecting student permissions a breeze with online forms

Max Robinson, technology analyst at Oakland Unified School District, was growing frustrated with the massive amounts of paper forms across the district. He knew inefficient processes not only slowed things down, but created potential liabilities for the district.

He helped introduce Informed K12 to OUSD's processes and brought the district into the 21st Century.


See full case study

“At the last staff meeting when we announced this was about to happen, the general consensus was 'it was about time'.”

Max Robinson, Technology Analyst

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Recommended for Student Services


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